Some of Our Projects
We are proud to have executed over 500+ assignments for a diverse clientele comprising corporate organisations, investors, project developers, lenders and financiers, manufacturers, EPC companies, public sector undertakings, research organisations, other consultants and various governmental, multi-lateral and international agencies.
Role - Technical Due Diligence
Project - ​422MW solar PV projects spread across twenty-one (21) sites, India
Client Detail - Confidential (US, Singapore)
Our Services - Arbutus provided technical due diligence services for solar PV power projects aggregating to 422 MW and spread across twenty-one (21) sites in the states of Telangana, Karnataka and Punjab. The scope included independent EYA, desk-based review of technical documentation for all sites, performance evaluation and onsite assessment, for 12 sites, encompassing visual inspection, drone-based thermography, hand-held thermography, hand-held and mobile lab-based IV-curve tracing and EL-imaging. Arbutus analysed the risks and proposed mitigatory measures considering short, medium and long time horizons.

Role - Technical Due Diligence
Project- ​153MW SPV projects spread across two states, India
Client Detail - Vector Green, India
Our Services - Arbutus provided technical due diligence services for solar PV power projects aggregating to 153MWDC (114 MWAC) in the states of Rajasthan and Maharashtra. The scope included independent EYA, desk-based review of technical documentation for all sites, performance evaluation and onsite assessment encompassing visual inspection, hand-held thermography and hand-held IV-curve tracing. Arbutus analysed the risks and proposed mitigatory measures considering short, medium and long time horizons.
Role - Lender's Engineer
Project - ​3.75MW RTSPV projects spread across two (2) states, India
Client Detail - Tata Capital, India
Our Services - Arbutus was engaged as lender’s independent engineer by Tata Cleantech Capital for five (5) rooftop solar PV power projects in Chennai, Bengaluru and Mysore with a cumulative capacity of 3.75 MW. The scope included review of performance, compliance, design, site assessment, review of shadow analysis, review of contracts, independent EYA and submission of LIE report.

Role - Lender's Engineer
Project - ​100MW SPV projects in Karnataka, India
Client Detail - State Bank of India, India
Our Services - Arbutus was engaged with State Bank of India for providing lender's independent engineering services for 5X20 MW solar PV projects in the state of Karnataka. The scope of work involved site assessment, critical documentation review, review of plant performance, periodic construction monitoring and operation monitoring.
Role - Engineering Consultant
Project - ​50MW SPV project in Benban Solar Park, Egypt
Client Detail - Confidential, Germany
Our Services - Arbutus was engaged by a leading EPC company as an engineering consultant for a 50MW solar PV power project in the 1.8GW solar park in Benban, Egypt. Arbutus had successfully teamed with a leading engineering services provider in Egypt to offer local and global expertise to the EPC company and the end client. The plant was commissioned in February 2019.

Role - Owner's Engineer
Project - ​100MW SPV projects, Pavagada Solar Park, India
Client Detail - Fortum, India
Our Services - Arbutus was engaged as Owner’s Engineer for a 2X50 MW solar PV power projects at Pavagada, in the state of Karnataka. Arbutus was entrusted the responsibility of independent energy yield estimation, review of technical contract signed by client with the EPC company, review of design and engineering services, on-site construction monitoring services, inspection and testing services and plant take over services. The project was successfully commissioned in December 2017.
Role - Owner's Engineer
Project - ​100MW SPV project in Tamil Nadu, India
Client Detail - Hild Energy, India
Our Services - Arbutus was engaged by an EPC company for providing detailed design and engineering and project management services for Neyveli Lignite Corporation’s (NLC) 100 MW solar PV power project near District Madurai, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Preparation of bankable project report, selection of technology, identification of local sub-contractors, guidance and support in procurement, technical support in seeking approvals, detailed design and engineering services, project management and quality assurance during commissioning were the responsibilities of Arbutus. The project was commissioned in May 2019.

Role - Engineering Services
Project - ​26MW SPV projects spread across two sites, Jordan
Client Detail - Confidential, UAE
Our Services - Arbutus was engaged by a global EPC company for providing detailed design and engineering services for two solar PV power projects with a cumulative capacity of 26MW in Jordan. Arbutus was responsible for carrying out basic and detailed design and engineering as per the specifications of National Electric Power Company (NEPCO), review of vendor datasheets and review of as-built drawings. The projects got commissioned in the year 2019.
Role - Engineering Services
Project - ​1.25MW RTSPV+Storage project, Nigeria
Client Detail - Emone Energy Solutions, Canada
Our Services - Arbutus provided detailed design and engineering services for Emone Energy for a 1.25 MW solar PV power plant with a battery storage capacity of 2.26 MWh at Mabushi, Abuja, Nigeria. The solar PV power plant was mounted on carport and rooftop canopies. The scope of work involved detailed design and engineering services and review and validation of the electric storage capacity, battery charge/discharge limits/specifications for the solar PV project. The project was commissioned in early 2020.

Preliminary Engineering Services
Role - Engineering Services
Project- ​Preliminary engineering services (>30GW) for global sales teams
Client Detail - Confidential, USA
Our Services - Arbutus provides engineering support services for a US-based solar PV tracker manufacturer. A team of drafters and civil engineers are responsible for preparation of drawings using software tools like AutoCAD Civil 3D and QGIS, and supporting the global sales teams of the client. Arbutus has provided such engineering support services for over 30GW of solar PV projects spread across locations in the Americas, Europe and Australia.
Role - Quality control and factory inspection
Project - ​ IPQC of module manufacturing
Client Detail - Confidential, India
Our Services - Arbutus carried out In-Process Quality Control (IPQC) inspection services for modules of two leading module manufacturing companies. Consultant's inspectors carried out the inspection at the module manufacturing factories. The inspectors were deployed on-site for a period of 3 months.

Role - Other Technical Advisory Services
Project - ​ Market study and development of supply chain for floating solar manufacturer
Client Detail - TYT, Turkey
Our Services - Arbutus was engaged by TYT, Turkey for supporting them in developing an innovating floating solar product to cater to the Indian requirements. Responsibilities included detailed market research, assessing the legal and patent framework, evaluating suitable supply chain partners in India. This project was a part of Innowwide programme funded by the European Union.
Role - Owner's Engineer
Project - ​ 2MW SPV project, West Bengal, India
Client Detail - WBGEDCL, India
Our Services - Arbutus had the privilege of providing consulting and advisory services for the first MW-level grid-connected solar PV power project in India in 2008. Arbutus supported in establishing the technical feasibility and prepared the first comprehensive tender document complete with technical specifications. The tender was prepared considering all relevant international and Indian standards and MNRE guidelines prevalent at the time.